After fell in love with the rapist

 After Churlum fell in love with the rapist युवक

Women are abused in any society in the world. Women are forced to suffer. One such incident has taken place in India. A minor has been raped in Punjab some time ago. The accused were also minors. The accused was arrested after the girl's family lodged a complaint with the police. In 2015, the accused boy was released on bail.

The accused boy and the victim girl fell in love last time. The boy's family said that their son was in love with the girl. Then an amazing love story begins between the two. The two have gone to court and got married after falling in love. Not only did she get married but she also gave birth to the child of the boy who raped her.

In 2013, the girl's father lodged a complaint against Palwinder and her mother. The girl was 17 years old at the time. Seeing that the boy's side was getting harder after the police interrogation, Katie did not take her father's side but supported the boy's side. But when such a case is filed, everyone is surprised when something unexpected happens. Agency


Balātkāra garnē yuvakasam̐ga yuvatī prēmamā curlum'ma ḍubēpachi…

mahilāmāthi sam̐sārakō junasukai samājamā duvryavahāra hunē garēkō cha. Mahilāharu bādhya bha'ēra pīḍā sahanu parēkō cha. Tyastai madhyēkō ē'uṭā ghaṭanā bhāratamā bha'ēkō cha. Panjābamā kēhī samaya pahilē nābālikāmāthi balātkāra bha'ēkō cha. Jasakō ārōpī pani nābāliga nai thi'ē. Bālikākō parivāralē praharīlā'ī ujurī di'ēpachi ārōpīlā'ī praharīlē giraphtāra garyō. Phērī 2015 mā jamānatamā ārōpīta kēṭā jēla mukta bha'ē.

Ārōpita kēṭā ra piḍita kēṭī pachillō samaya māyāmā parē. Kēṭākō parivāralē āphnō chōrā kēṭīkō māyāmā ḍubēkō batā'ēkā chan. Tyasapachi duvaibīca ēka āścarya lāgdō prēma kahānī suru bha'ēkō cha. Dhērai māyākō cakkaramā parēra duvaijanā adālatamā ga'ēra vivāha garēkā chan. Vivāha mātra nagarēra kēṭīlē āphulā'ī balātkāra garnē kēṭākō baccā samēta janmā'ēkī chin.

2013 Mā kēṭīkō bābulē palavindara ra unakī āmākō virud'dhamā ujurī di'ēkā thi'ē. Ukta samayamā kēṭī 17 varṣakī thi'in. Praharīkō kērakārapachi kēṭā pakṣalā'ī gāhrō bha'irahēkō dēkhēra kaṭīlē āphnō bābukō pakṣa nali'ī kēṭā pakṣakō kurāmā sarmathana garēkī thi'in. Tara tyastō kēsa lāgēra muddā lāgēpachi kasailē nasōcēkō kāma hum̐dā sabaijanā chakka parēkā chan. Ējēnsī

After fell in love with the rapist After fell in love with the rapist Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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