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Experiences of women with large breast size

September 25, 2020

 Experiences of women with large breast size

London, 9 September. It has been found that most women are very worried about their physical beauty and the size of their breasts. There is no shortage of people competing to increase the size of breasts by artificially implanting them with expensive silicone pads. But for some, the size of the breasts is proving to be a problem and a curse, according to some women in the UK.

Leia Parker says, ‘My big breasts have already become the identity of my existence. I also earn by modeling through it. Of course I like the 32 NN Cup. But because of the size, I have been forced to drive a car and sleep on a sofa made for pregnant women. ’

There are also very negative comments from men about large breasts. Some have said that women should be ashamed because of this. But some women say that they do not have any other problem. Leia, a resident of Twickenham, southwest of London, said that although her breasts were five times larger than her average size, she did not feel any pain but was earning tens of thousands of pounds a month.

She says she is proud to have the largest breasts in the UK. Leia, who is 5 feet 3 inches tall, had spent a lot of money on surgery to enhance her breasts. Today's newspaper has published the news that Leia has become public as a representative character of women with large breasts.


Lē'iyā pārkara bhanchin, ‘mērā ṭhūlā ākārakā stana mērō astitvakō paricaya nai bha'isakakō cha. Yasakā mārphata mōḍaliṅga garēra ma kamā'unē pani gardachuṁ. Pakkai pani malā'ī 32 ēna'ēna kapa manaparcha. Tara ākārakai kāraṇa malā'ī kāra calā'una ra garbhavatīharukā prayōgakā lāgi banā'i'ēkō sōphāmā sutna lagāyatakā samasyā bhōgna bādhya bha'ēkī chuṁ. ’

Sāthai ṭhūlā ākārakā stanalā'ī li'ēra puruṣaharubāṭa nikai nakārātmaka ṭippaṇī pani hunē garēkā chan. Kēhilē ta yasaikā kāraṇa mahilāharulā'ī lāja lāgnu parnē pani batā'ēkā chan. Tara kēhi mahilālē bhanē yasabāṭa āphulā'ī an'ya khāsai kunai pani samasyā nabha'ēkō batā'um̐chan. Lanḍana dēkhi dakṣiṇa paścimamā parnē ṭivakanahyāma nivāsī lē'iyālē ausata ākāra bandā āphnā stana pām̐ca guṇā ṭhūlō bha'ēpani āphulāi̔r̥ kunai dukha nalāgēkō baru yasabāṭa māsika dasa hajāra pā'unḍa ārjana bha'irahēkō batā'um̐chin.

Unī āphu vēlāyatakai sabaibhandā ṭhūlō ākārakā stanakī dhanī bha'ēkōmā gaurava lāgēkō batā'um̐chin. 5 Phiṭa 3 inca ucā'ikī lē'iyālē stanakō saundarya baḍhā'una dhērai paṭaka sarjarī garā'una thuprai paisā pani lagānī garēkī thi'in. Lē'iyā ṭhūlō ākārakā stana bha'ēkā mahilāharukā ēka pratinidha pātrakā rupamā sārvajanika bha'ēkī khabara ājakō samācārapatralē prakāśana garēkō cha.

Experiences of women with large breast size  Experiences of women with large breast size Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 25, 2020 Rating: 5

Women who have less sex have a higher risk of getting the disease

September 25, 2020

 यौन सम्पर्क कम गर्ने महिलालाई रोग लाग्ने जोखिम अत्याधिक

Women who have less sex have a higher risk of getting the disease

Ējēnsī. Dhērai kama yaunasamparka garnēharukō cām̐ḍai mahināvārī rōkinē ēka adhyayanalē pattā lāgēkō cha. Anusandhānakartālē saptāhamā ēkapaṭaka yaunasamparka garnēharu bhandā mahināmā ēkapaṭaka yaunasamparka garnēharu 28 pratiśatalē cām̐ḍai mahināvārī rōki'ēkō pattā lagā'ēkā hun. Yaunasamparkakā kāraṇalē śārīrika rupamā garbhavatī hunē aṅgaharu kriyāśila bha'irahanē bha'ēkālē

Jaba ki ardhavainśē umērakā mahilālē śārīrika samparka garna chōḍēpachi mahināvārī hunē dara ghaṭcha. Bēlāyatakō lanḍanasthita yunibharsiṭī kalējakā mānavaśāstrī mēgāna ārnōṭakā anusāra yadi tapā'īnlē baccā napā'unē bha'ēpachi ḍimbāśayabāṭa ḍimbā nisēcana huna chōḍcha, tyō śaktilā'ī an'yatrai sañcaya garnakō lāgi mahināvārī rōkincha.

Ḍimbāsayabāṭa ḍimba niṣkāsana hunē avasthāmā rōga pratirōdhātmaka śakti kama hunē bha'ēkālē rōga lāgnē jōkhima atyādhika hunē batā'um̐chan. Yadi garbhādhāraṇa nagarnē bha'ēpachi śārīrika samparka kama hum̐dai jānē bha'ēkālē śarīralē ḍimbā niṣkāśanakō lāgi śakti kharca garna chōḍcha.

San 1996 dēkhi amērikābhara śuru bha'ēkō ardhavainśē mahilā svāsthyamā ādhārita rahēkō tathyāṅkalā'ī anusandhāna gardā yastō pattā lāgēkō hō. Anusandhānamā kariba tīna hajāra 45 varṣīyā mahilālā'ī lakṣita gari'ēkō sī'ēna'ēnalē janā'ēkō cha.

Agency. A study has found that those who have very little sex stop menstruating soon. Researchers have found that 28 percent of those who have sex once a month stop menstruating sooner than those who have sex once a week. Menstruation does not stop because the organs that become physically pregnant due to sexual intercourse remain active.

However, the rate of menstruation decreases when a woman in her mid-twenties stops having sexual intercourse. According to Megan Arnott, an anthropologist at University College London, UK, if you stop fertilizing the ovaries after you have not had a baby, menstruation stops to store that energy elsewhere.

The risk of contracting the disease is high as the immune system is weakened in case of ovulation. If you do not conceive, your body will stop expending energy on ovulation.

This is the finding of research based on data on women's health, which began in the United States in 1996. The investigation targeted about 3,045-year-old women, according to CNN.



एजेन्सी। धेरै कम यौनसम्पर्क गर्नेहरुको चाँडै महिनावारी रोकिने एक अध्ययनले पत्ता लागेको छ। अनुसन्धानकर्ताले सप्ताहमा एकपटक यौनसम्पर्क गर्नेहरु भन्दा महिनामा एकपटक यौनसम्पर्क गर्नेहरु २८ प्रतिशतले चाँडै महिनावारी रोकिएको पत्ता लगाएका हुन्। यौनसम्पर्कका कारणले शारीरिक रुपमा गर्भवती हुने अंगहरु क्रियाशिल भइरहने भएकाले महिनावारी राकिंदैन।

जब कि अर्धवैंशे उमेरका महिलाले शारीरिक सम्पर्क गर्न छोडेपछि महिनावारी हुने दर घट्छ। बेलायतको लन्डनस्थित युनिभर्सिटी कलेजका मानवशास्त्री मेगान आर्नोटका अनुसार यदि तपाईंले बच्चा नपाउने भएपछि डिम्बाशयबाट डिम्बा निसेचन हुन छोड्छ, त्यो शक्तिलाई अन्यत्रै सञ्चय गर्नको लागि महिनावारी रोकिन्छ।

डिम्बासयबाट डिम्ब निष्कासन हुने अवस्थामा रोग प्रतिरोधात्मक शक्ति कम हुने भएकाले रोग लाग्ने जोखिम अत्याधिक हुने बताउँछन्। यदि गर्भाधारण नगर्ने भएपछि शारीरिक सम्पर्क कम हुँदै जाने भएकाले शरीरले डिम्बा निष्काशनको लागि शक्ति खर्च गर्न छोड्छ।

सन् १९९६ देखि अमेरिकाभर शुरु भएको अर्धवैंशे महिला स्वास्थ्यमा आधारित रहेको तथ्यांकलाई अनुसन्धान गर्दा यस्तो पत्ता लागेको हो। अनुसन्धानमा करिब तीन हजार ४५ वर्षीया महिलालाई लक्षित गरिएको सीएनएनले जनाएको छ।

Women who have less sex have a higher risk of getting the disease Women who have less sex have a higher risk of getting the disease Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 25, 2020 Rating: 5

This is how your nails describe your health condition. How are your nails?

September 25, 2020

 This is how your nails describe your health condition. How are your nails?

यसरी नङले बताउछ स्वास्थ्य स्थिती, कस्तो छ तपाईको नङ ?

Clean, healthy and beautiful nails enhance personality. He also describes his health condition.
Nails are an important part of the skin. Nails are formed from dead cells. After the new cell is formed, the dead cell is removed and the nail grows.

If there is any disorder or abnormality in the shape of the nails, one should be aware of the health issues. Changes in the nails indicate disease.

If the skin around the nails is red, the infection may be the cause.
Cracked nails are a sign of eczema, lung cancer, heart disease or thyroid.
There is a crescent at the base of the nail. If the crescent looks too big, it is a sign of lack of blood in the body. It indicates iron deficiency as well as thyroid and vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Excessively white nails are a sign of anemia, yellow is a sign of fungal infections and jaundice, black lines or spots are a sign of melanoma, and light blue is a sign of lung problems.
If you have white streaks on your nails, you should understand kidney problems and malnutrition.

Here are some tips to help keep your nails healthy:

Vitamin B-7 in pulses and vegetables helps to get rid of nail weakness.

Saphā, svastha ra sundara naṅalē vyaktitva baḍhā'um̐chan. Yinalē svāsthyakō sthiti pani batā'um̐chan.
Naṅa chālākō ēka mahattvapūrṇa bhāga hō. Mr̥ta kōśikāharūbāṭa naṅa bancha. Nayām̐ kōśīkā banēpachi mr̥ta kōśikā haṭdai jāncha ra naṅa baḍhcha.

Clean nails regularly and lightly massage with olive oil.
Dairy products are rich in potassium, phosphorus and vitamin A. Eating it promotes nail health.
Put lemon and glycerin in lukewarm water and dip your hands in it.
Perform manicure, trimming and shaping from time to time. Agency

Naṅamā kunai vikāra vā ākāramā kunai asāmān'yatā dēkhiyō bhanē svāsthyakā viṣayamā sacēta bha'ihālnuparcha. Naṅamā ā'ēkō parivartanalē rōgakō saṅkēta dincha.

Naṅavariparikō chālā rātō bha'ēmā saṅkramaṇa tyasakō kāraṇa huna sakcha.
Naṅa phāṭēkō cha bhanē ēgjimā, phōksōkō kyānsara, muṭurōga vā thā'irō'iḍakō saṅkēta hō.
Naṅakō phēdamā ardhacandra huncha. Yō ardhacandra ēkadamai ṭhūlō dēkhiyō bhanē śarīramā ragatakō kamī bha'ēkō saṅkēta hō. Yasalē ā'iranakō kamīkā sāthasāthai thā'irō'iḍa ra bhiṭāmina bī–12 kō kamīkō pani saṅkēta dincha.

Naṅa atyadhika sētō bha'ēmā ragatakō kamī, pahēnlō bha'ēmā phaṅgala saṅkramaṇa ra janḍisa, kālō rēkhā vā dāga bha'ēmā mēlēnōmā ani halukā nīlō bha'ēmā phōksōkō samasyākō saṅkēta hō.
Naṅamā sētā ḍōrāharū banē bhanē mirgaulākō samasyā ra pauṣṭikatākō kamī bujhnuparcha.
Naṅalā'ī svastha rākhna yī upāya apanā'unus:
Dāla ra tarakārīmā bha'ēkō bhiṭāmina bī–7 lē naṅakō kamajōrī bhagā'um̐cha.
Naṅa niyamita saphā garnus ra jaitūnakō tēlalē halkā masāja garnus.
Dugdhajan'ya padārthamā pracūra mātrāmā pōṭēsiyama, phasphōrasa ra bhiṭāmina ē huncha. Yō khā'ēra naṅakō svāsthya baḍhā'um̐chan.
Manatātō pānīmā kāgatī ra glisarina hālnus ani tyasamā hāta ḍubā'unus.
Samayasamayamā myānikyōra, ṭrimiṅa ra śēpiṅa garnus. Ējēnsī

This is how your nails describe your health condition. How are your nails? This is how your nails describe your health condition. How are your nails? Reviewed by sptv nepal on September 25, 2020 Rating: 5

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